Why Abundance?

Maybe you’ve noticed how things have changed over the years, the decrease of fish and shellfish, the declining health of our coastlines and waterways… and maybe you’ve wondered, what will fishing be like in the future?

We have heard these concerns raised time and time again, not just from recreational fishers, but from all New Zealanders, including tangata whenua, environmentalists and families. These concerns are supported by research.

Most Kiwis want to invest in conserving our fisheries and enhancing our fishing experience, for now and the future. If we want our children and grandchildren to have similar or better fishing than we have today, planning for abundance needs to start now.

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Our Principles

Let's rebuild the fishery

Restore depleted fisheries to abundant levels by applying international best practice standards when setting stock management targets

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Stop the senseless waste

Create an inshore coastal zone where industrial fishing methods such as trawling, seining and dredging are banned until better selectivity, less benthic damage and reduced wastage can be demonstrated

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Manage fisheries in the national interest

Manage our fisheries in the national interest to ensure maximum value is derived from the exploitation of marine resources, for the benefit of current and future generations

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Equal size limits for all

Set equal minimum legal size limits for commercial and recreational fishing while avoiding increased incidental mortality caused by fishing

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Value recreational fishing

Support favourable government policies that ensure fish stocks are rebuilt to support high quality fisheries.

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