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Articles / 2 October 2013

People versus Profits

Are private profits and export dollars really more important than the people of New Zealand? Nathan Guys decision on the snapper 1 fishery will tell us loud and clear where this governments allegiance lies – people or profits. Any day now (if not already) his decision will be announced. 48,000 submissions and 365,000 emails sent…

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Articles / 30 September 2013

Nathan Guy – will you Save our Snapper?

This month Nathan Guy, the Minister for Primary Industries is due to announce his decision that will determine the future of our snapper fishing through the Bay of Plenty, Coromandel, Hauraki Gulf and East Northland. Thank you to everyone who joined with LegaSea to make a stand and sent a submission to the Ministry to…

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Articles / 29 August 2013

Time to fight for our snapper

It is shocking that the Ministry for Primary Industries has proposed to slash snapper bag limits while the commercial sector is largely unaffected! The time has come for action. We are rallying support to fight for the future of our snapper fishery, fight for our voice to be heard, and fight against commercial greed and…

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Articles / 29 August 2013

Snapper battle in full swing!

The time has come for action. Right now we are rallying support to fight for the future of our snapper fishery, fight for our voice to be heard, and fight against commercial greed and government mismanagement. It’s on! At the time of writing this we wait with baited breath for the Ministry for Primary Industries…

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Articles / 28 July 2013

Snapper bag limit cuts will make way for commercial fishing

Recreational fishers may be forced to take bag limit cuts of up to 40% to make way for commercial quota. That’s because there’s simply not enough snapper in the area from North Cape to Cape Runaway to sustain demand. Our information reveals that the snapper stock level in the Bay of Plenty is much worse…

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