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Articles / 10 January 2014

Turning the tide

Hard work by passionate advocates turned the tide on four iconic fish species in 2013. If you supported any of these causes you should feel proud, thank you. Yellow fin tuna stocks globally have retracted due to international commercial fishing pressure and Greenpeace led the charge campaigning to stop the sale of yellowfin tuna caught…

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Articles / 12 December 2013

What’s next for snapper?

After the snapper decision we reviewed hundreds of pages of Ministry reports and documents and we’ve planned our next steps to continue to improve the future of snapper 1. Increased release mortality is one issue that will need to be addressed sooner rather than later, because as of 1st of April 2014 recreational fishers will…

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Articles / 1 December 2013

Snapper round up

Warm weather means more fishing, but in the Bay of Plenty there’s still concerns to be addressed for snapper. Stocks are classified as “collapsed” and so LegaSea will be calling for specific action to be taken in the Bay. This is one of a few focus areas for LegaSea as a result of Nathan Guys…

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Articles / 29 November 2013

Here’s to the fishers

One thing that has struck me in recent months is how people from all walks of life enjoy fishing. New Zealand is a wonderful melting pot of different cultures and people with varying backgrounds – but there is something wonderfully unifying in the form of a fishing rod. During the recent Save Our Snapper campaign…

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Articles / 10 November 2013

No sign of greedy recreational fishers

Allegations of greed have been made against those fishers who wanted to retain the existing snapper bag and size limits of nine snapper at 27cm. This highlights a couple of points. The first is that some people still don’t fully understand the bigger picture of the proposed changes to snapper 1 (and it is complex!), the…

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