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Articles / 30 August 2014

Snapper 1 Strategy Group

Five meetings of the Snapper 1 Strategy Group have now been held. There has also been a number of meetings between the Ministry for Primary Industries and representatives of the various stakeholder groups. Our dedicated team has been flat out developing reference documents that present a best-case scenario for future management of our fisheries, not…

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Articles / 30 August 2014

Hokianga Accord

On 7 August the Hokianga Accord will be hosting its 16th hui, venue is the legendary Bay of Islands Swordfish Club in Paihia. All are welcome to attend. LegaSea is keen to participate in a wide ranging discussion on the Fish Forever proposal for two marine and one “scientific” reserve in the Bay of Islands….

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Articles / 30 August 2014

Let’s get political

Fisheries management decisions are political so our dedicated team of experts has carefully crafted five policy recommendations that promote productive fisheries and a healthy marine environment. We have sent these recommendations to political parties so they can adopt them in their fisheries policies. Then we will give them points out of 20 for each of…

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Articles / 30 August 2014

Southern blue moki

Blue moki is a popular table fish taken by shorebased anglers, set netters and spear fishers around the South Island and lower North Island. An estimated 36,000 blue moki were taken in 1999 by recreational anglers fishing off the east coast of the South Island (Area 3). That’s around 53 tonnes. Fishers caught another 130…

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Articles / 9 August 2014

Snapper update

Since the beginning of the year there have been five meetings of the multi-stakeholder Snapper 1 Strategy Group. Our recreational representatives are ready to discuss the important issues of management targets to increase overall biomass in Area 1, but it is slow going. Increasing biomass means having a thriving population of more and bigger fish….

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