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Articles / 25 April 2016

Bouquets and brickbats for decisions

A central theme to the four recent management submissions to the Ministry for Primary Industries is the need for more precautionary management of our fish stocks. The Minister’s decisions, announced on March 17th, are a mixed bag, with cuts to commercial catch limits for selected scallop and crayfish stocks, and significant increases in surf clam…

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Articles / 25 April 2016

A community approach to marine protection

From a fisheries perspective it is very frustrating to watch the marine protection cum reserves debate occur without any intention to address the root causes of depletion – excessive fish catches, mobile bottom contact harvesting methods degrading habitats, and contaminants entering waterways choking nursery areas. LegaSea supported the recent submission by the New Zealand Sport…

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Articles / 25 April 2016

Now we know what fishing is worth

After two years of planning and research we now know what recreational fishing is worth to the New Zealand economy. Kiwis spend a billion dollars a year on recreational fishing but the benefits don’t stop at the fish on the end of the line. This expenditure ripples through the economy generating 1.7 billion dollars in…

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Articles / 24 September 2015

What is the value of recreational fishing?

In Australia, a recent study found recreational fishers contribute an estimated $2.56 billion to the nation’s economy. But what’s fishing worth in New Zealand? The truth is, no one knows. So the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation has commissioned a full-scale research project to find out. They want to know how much recreational fishers contribute…

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Articles / 1 September 2015

Doing our homework

Before we embark on a high value project to determine the significance of recreational fishing in New Zealand it’s important to do our homework. Similar overseas research by Southwick Associates has produced some positive outcomes for recreational fishing interests and their national economies. Southwick Associates has over 25 years international experience in examining the value…

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