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Fryday Fryup / 8 July 2016

Fryday Fryup – 8 July

Welcome to the FryUp – a regular look back at the week of fishing in the news. Abundantly clear We’re all about the fish here at the Fryday FryUp. They’re just so tasty! But as you know we have concerns about making sure we can all go fishing and that includes our children and grand-children….

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Articles, Inquiry / 7 July 2016

Bay of Plenty where gurnard are scarce

Gurnard are a special treat so it is concerning that increasing numbers of people are highlighting the scarcity of this prized fish on the eastern seaboard. For years they have been a rare catch in the Hauraki Gulf. Now it seems Bay of Plenty fishers are starting to feel the bite. Decades of inshore trawling…

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Fryday Fryup / 1 July 2016

Fryday Fryup – 1 July

Welcome to the FryUp – a regular look back at the week of fishing in the news.   Fishing for answers The University of Auckland’s catch reconstruction report continues to upset officials across the country and you’ve got to wonder why. Have a look at the fishing section on the MPI website and you’ll find…

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Articles / 25 June 2016

Compensation threats holding back restoration

Threats of compensation claims over the years have heavily influenced Ministerial decisions, even when the need for a catch reduction was obvious. Now we have a litany of fish stocks with uncatchable Total Allowable Commercial Catches (TACCs) and no prospects of precautionary management in sight. It is time we clarified the nature of quota so…

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Fryday Fryup / 24 June 2016

Fryday Fryup – 24 June

Welcome to the FryUp – a regular look back at the week of fishing in the news.   Call to ban all fishing in Hawke’s Bay Grim news from the Hawke’s Bay where concerned fishers are pushing to have all industrial fishing pushed out beyond the 50m depth contour. Last week we reported on local…

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