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Articles / 25 August 2016

Gutsy government could deliver abundance

In June the Ministry for Primary Industries announced exports would need to grow by an average of 9.5 percent per annum if it was to meet its goal of doubling exports by 2025. It is not clear what this means for us, but from a public perspective our inshore fish stocks are already fully exploited…

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Articles / 25 August 2016

A radical change

Many people have been asking why it is so hard to have commercial catch limits reduced. It’s a valid question that deserves a good answer. We need to know how and why the Quota Management System has failed to provide a flexible system despite millions of our taxpayers’ dollars being spent on science, monitoring and…

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Articles / 25 August 2016

Government growth targets can damage our fisheries

Misdirected growth targets can have unintended consequences. Our fisheries are still recovering from Government policies implemented 40 years ago. A comprehensive review of the Quota Management System will hopefully reveal areas that can be fixed so our fisheries can be restored to abundant levels. Having enough fish to sustain the environment and provide for people’s…

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Fryday Fryup / 19 August 2016

Fryday Fryup – 19 August

Welcome to the FryUp – a regular look back at the week of fishing in the news.   I’d like to be under the sea… If you, like me, have always wanted to see the Great Barrier Reef in all its technicolor glory, you’d best get in sooner rather than later. This year the Reef…

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Fryday Fryup / 12 August 2016

Friday Fryup – 12 August

Welcome to the FryUp – a regular look back at the week of fishing in the news.   Scallops It takes something dramatic to happen to get the Ministry for Primary Industries to agree with LegaSea but sadly that’s the point we’ve reached with the Scallop 7 (Marlborough-Tasman area) fishery. Minister Nathan Guy has closed…

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