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Fryday Fryup / 21 October 2016

Fryday FryUp – 21 October

Snapper 1 survey, getting ready for the long weekend, seabed mining, vote in our poll Snapper fishing – Your opinion matters In 2013 there was unprecedented media coverage of the recreational snapper fishery. This highlighted problems with the fisheries management system and the need for more inclusive decision making. A Snapper 1 management plan has been…

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Fryday Fryup / 14 October 2016

Fryday FryUp – 14 October

Seabed mining, LegaSea needs your help, remember crayfish? The KASM Around 1.6 tonnes of seabed could be extracted every second under new proposals to mine the seabed off the Taranaki coast. That seabed, rich in nutrients, home to many of our favourite species, gets pulped and then 90% of it is squirted back into the…

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Fryday Fryup / 7 October 2016

Fryday FryUp – 7 October

LegaSea needs your help, a clever way to avoid jandal accidents on boat ramps, orca whales up close, Sir Graham Henry’s fishing success, latest news.   LegaSea needs your help Our poll asking if you support a full Commission of Inquiry into this fisheries management is still online. If you haven’t already voted, please do so….

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Fryday Fryup / 30 September 2016

Fryday FryUp – 30 September

Independent inquiry, conspiracy of silence, LegaSea poll, a baby blue whale feeding and seabed mining.   MPI – time to cut the chain? John Key and Minister Nathan Guy must be starting to wonder when is the best time to cut their losses and jettison fisheries matters into a new ministry, as far from the…

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Articles, Inquiry / 29 September 2016

QC labels MPI inaction flawed

Startling evidence confirming gross under reporting of total catch from our fisheries came to light with the release of a report by Dr. Glenn Simmons earlier this year. The research, spanning 60 years of reporting to the United Nations, was accompanied by the leaking of two draft reports from the Ministry for Primary Industries. It…

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