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Fryday Fryup / 4 November 2016

Fryday FryUp – 4 November

Survey results, stinging attack on MPI, the future of recreational fishing. Snapper 1 survey results Last month we asked you to take part in the Snapper 1 survey and thanks to all those who took the time to respond. More than 2500 of you took the 12-question survey. A summary has been fed back to…

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Articles, Polls / 3 November 2016

Snapper 1 survey report

November 2016   During October 2016 LegaSea ran an online survey to gauge recreational fishers’ reaction to the proposed Snapper 1 Management Plan, released for public comment on 2 September. The 12-question survey attracted 2596 responses in a week. LegaSea thanks all respondents for their prompt feedback. SNA1 Management Plan In 2013 there was unprecedented…

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Fryday Fryup / 28 October 2016

Fryday FryUp – 28 October

5pm deadline for LegaSea snapper survey, concerning news for our marine environment, more support for an Inquiry. The future of our snapper – LegaSea survey closes at 5pm today. Here’s something you can do to help better inform the Ministry for Primary Industries and the policy makers: take this survey on snapper and let them…

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Articles, Inquiry / 25 October 2016

Blatant dumping – no rebuild

If the quota system is working so well why is the illegal and unreported dumping of fish still so prevalent? Several Ministry for Primary Industries’ investigations have revealed widespread dumping. Operation Achilles revealed that up to 100% of some quota fish were being discarded during every haul aboard trawlers. MPI has acknowledged this activity is impacting…

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Articles, Inquiry / 25 October 2016

Commission of Inquiry into QMS

In May Dr Glenn Simmons released a shocking report highlighting New Zealand authorities had, for 60 years, knowlingly under reported total fish catch to the United Nations. The report also exposed the excessive and deliberate waste of our fish by commercial fishers. It was accompanied by leaked Ministry for Primary Industries’ reports revealing that MPI…

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