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Articles / 27 July 2018

You can help rescue our tarakihi stocks

Tarakihi stocks on the eastern coasts of both islands are so depleted that the Minister of Fisheries must implement a rebuild plan before October 2018, and recreational fishing is in the firing line. Decades of trawling, dumping and high grading have taken their toll. Major catch reductions are required between Otago and North Cape if…

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Articles / 26 July 2018

What next for recreational fishing of tarakihi?

This article was written prior to the submission being completed and sent to Fisheries New Zealand. To see the current discussion on changes to recreational daily bag limits please read the submission in full here.  Without exception, recreational fishers attending meetings with LegaSea have strongly supported conserving fish for future generations. Tarakihi management is currently…

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Articles, Media Releases / 19 July 2018

Campaign to save a Kiwi favourite

The east coast population of one of New Zealand’s favourite fish, tarakihi, has fallen by over 80% in the past 50 years and the stock is now overfished. LegaSea, the recreational fishing lobby group, is urging the Minister of Fisheries to drastically cut catches to rebuild the tarakihi population. Tarakihi is one of New Zealand’s…

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Articles / 6 July 2018

Unmasking a reluctant Ministry

In just one week 48 separate items of news appeared in the media pointing to leaked reports identifying mass fish dumping, years of non-compliance, blatant under-reporting of thousands of tonnes of New Zealand fish and MPI senior officials turning a blind eye. How much more can we and our fisheries take before the Director-General Martyn…

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Articles / 29 June 2018

FishCare – Lure techniques

Employing the right techniques in how we fish is the first step to reducing our impact on our fishery and the marine environment. All users of the resource, commercial, recreational and customary must fish in a responsible manner. The purpose of selective techniques is to avoid catching fish you don’t want e.g. undersized specimens. This…

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