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Articles / 6 June 2017

Continued closure of the Southern Scallop fishery

In May, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) released a consultation document proposing a continued closure of the southern scallop fishery at the top of the South Island, until 2018. This comes after surveys have shown that the current closure failed to restore the fishery to abundant levels. This important scallop fishery was closed in…

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Articles, Polls / 1 June 2017

FishCare survey results

LegaSea is developing a new programme called FishCare โ€“ The school of best practice. FishCare is an educational guide for recreational fishers offering simple tips on how to minimise the impacts of fishing on the marine environment. FishCare was publicly launched at the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show from May 18th to 21st, 2017. The…

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Articles / 30 May 2017

The Hutchwilco NZ Boat Show

Always one of the highlights of our year, the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show in Auckland never fails to impress, and 2017 was no exception. The LegaSea team love to be amongst the buzzing atmosphere the show creates, talking with the public and getting their views. The messages of support from people is inspiring and…

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Articles / 24 May 2017

Utilisation is key to the Kai Ika project

Until recently members of the Outboard Boating Club (OBC) discarded their fish heads and frames, while others in the community prize these parts of the fish for their sweet flesh. Hence the creation of the Kai Ika Project. The OBC now collects the unwanted fish heads and frames and Papatuanuku Marae collects them and shares…

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Articles, Media Releases / 18 May 2017

LegaSea launches FishCare at Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show

For over 60 years the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show has been the biggest and most popular boat show in the country so it was the obvious place for LegaSea to launch its FishCare programme to the public. “FishCare โ€“ The school of best practice” This is a bold and ambitious initiative being undertaken by…

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