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Policies / 3 September 2017

Fisheries policy: New Zealand Outdoors Party

LegaSea asked the New Zealand Outdoors Party to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. The New Zealand Outdoors Party provided this summary.  Marine Fisheries Policy – The Situation Depletion of our inshore fisheries affects both the marine environment and the people who rely on the sea for fishing, for their livelihoods, leisure and sustenance….

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Policies / 3 September 2017

Fisheries policy: United Future

LegaSea asked United Future to provide comment on their party’s fisheries policy. United Future provided this statement.  UnitedFuture believes recreational fishing must come before commercial profits because it is the birth right of every New Zealander to head to the beach to catch kahawai or snapper to feed their family. Kiwis’ birth right to catch…

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Articles / 26 August 2017

Crayfish hanging on by a leg

There has been a mixed reaction since we launched the Crayfish Crisis campaign in July. Commercial fishers argue there are abundant crayfish between Pakiri and East Cape of the North Island, and we are creating an issue in CRA2 where none exists. The Ministry for Primary Industries consider the CRA2 stock is well above sustainable…

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Articles / 21 August 2017

Kaitiakitanga means guardianship

Kaitiakitanga means guardianship or management and traditionally it’s applied to conservation efforts. It’s a matter dear to the hearts of the recreational fishing sector as well. We of all people get to see when there’s abundance and plenty for all, and when there’s a desert, a dearth of life in our oceans. No longer is…

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Articles, Media Releases / 8 August 2017

NZ Sport Fishing Council releases recreational fishing Manifesto

A new approach to managing New Zealand’s fisheries is needed The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council has released its Manifesto and calls on New Zealand’s political parties to consider a new approach to setting policy. The Council has consulted with its members over what they want to see in terms of stewardship of New Zealand’s…

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