Order Subscriber Booklets

Today, there are thousands of Kiwis who fear for the future of our fishing. Our depleted fisheries need to be rebuilt. The marine environment needs more protection. Recreational fishing interests must be allowed for so we can conserve fish and experience better fishing in the future.

Do you want to make a difference? You can.

Restoring our fisheries is a big task and fisheries management is a complex realm. Fortunately Kiwis like you care.

There is power in numbers so LegaSea has developed an easy tool for you to gather emails from your family, mates and colleagues. You gather them and we’ll load them into the LegaSea database. Together, our unified voice will become louder and more powerful.

Now is the time to rebuild our inshore fisheries. You can make a difference.

Fill in the form below and we will send you a subscriber booklet (or 10).

Privacy Policy: Personal details will not be retained or used for anything other than for the purposes stated in this document. Information will not be sold or shared with third parties.

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