Fryday Fryup / 8 July 2016

Fryday Fryup – 8 July

Welcome to the FryUp – a regular look back at the week of fishing in the news.

Abundantly clear

We’re all about the fish here at the Fryday FryUp. They’re just so tasty! But as you know we have concerns about making sure we can all go fishing and that includes our children and grand-children.

It’s no surprise that some commercial fishers are also considering this problem and how best to ensure they fish sustainably and in a way that doesn’t destroy the environment in the process.

This has led to a surge in interest both in sustainable harvesting of fish but also in the way sell fish once they’ve been landed. ‘Fish 2.0’ is the name of the game and there’s a lot of new ways to fillet the problem of overfishing.

In New Hampshire Kate Politano is part of a collective movement that’s designed to feed locals on a local basis.

The New Hampshire Community Seafood (NHCS), is a cooperative of fishers and consumers who have joined forces to support the slowly disappearing small-scale fishing industry and has a focus on sustainable harvesting practices.

Co-op members prepay a certain amount for their shares, and the fishers deliver local, sustainably caught fish every week. Politano volunteers her driveway as a pickup point for co-op members who live nearby and members get a portion of the catch based on their share size. Some days they get pollock, other times it’s haddock or a lesser-known species, like redfish.

It’s a win:win on a local level – artisanal fishing introducing consumers to fresh, new species in a sustainable way.

Here in New Zealand we’re also tackling the problem on a number of levels. As a fisher your opportunity to share unwanted catch with people in your community is via the Free Fish Heads programme that sees thousands of fish heads (plus frames & wings) donated to eager recipients instead of being dumped overboard.

If you hear of any more new ways to look at this age old problem drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you.

Hakai Magazine – United We Fish

NPR – Entrepreneurs Pitch Sustainable Seafood Ideas; Investors Take The Bait

LegaSea – Free Fish Heads


You’re Welcome

How does MPI spend our money? Sure, it’s got inspectors and policy people, it’s got managers and lawyers. Now it’s also got communications managers and, naturally enough, a social media strategy that includes spending money to keep an eye on what people are saying on social media sites, like Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat.

According to Stuff: “information released under the Official Information Act shows the Ministry for Primary Industries pays US$25,000 [that’s about NZ$35,000] a year in licensing costs to use a web-based social media monitoring tool” which is a lot of money to find out what people think about you.

We like to be helpful here at the FryUp and so we’re offering to tell MPI what we think of them for free any time they like.

Stuff – Ministry for Primary Industries spends $35,000 a year on social media monitoring


Waiheke Island Heads and Tails Event

If you find yourself  on Waiheke Island this weekend, consider yourself invited to hear LegaSea’s Scott Macindoe talk through the current state of our fisheries industry in light of the catch reconstruction report.

The presentation forms part of the Waiheke Library’s Winter Lecture series and kicks off at 1pm in the Community Meeting Room.

More information on the Facebook page below.

LegaSea – Heads & Tails


The Catch

And finally, check out the trailer to a new Kiwi movie that is sure to strike a chord with a few of you.

The Catch is a beautifully filmed movie about a small fishing town holding its annual fishing competition and the skullduggery that goes on.

The film is likely to be released this year, according to IMDB, and we will be reserving a front-row seat for the premiere if what we’ve seen is anything to go by.

Take a look at the trailer

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