Category: Inquiry

Inquiry, Media Releases / 16 September 2016

MPI needs to be overhauled following damning report

The Heron Report into why the Ministry for Primary Industries did not prosecute fish dumping paints a picture of an incompetence. The Report, which follows revelations that the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has filmed fishing boats engaging in illegal activity over a period of several years, says the decision not to prosecute was “flawed”…

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Inquiry, Opinion / 31 August 2016

Barry Torkington: An unholy alliance

  The opinion piece in Monday’s Dominion Post (We’re catching fish but not value: why the QMS needs reforming) is critical of New Zealand’s Quota Management System (QMS) and with good reason. The academics who authored the piece used the context of a lack of value creation and capture to frame their point. If the…

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Inquiry, Media Releases / 26 August 2016

More evidence that MPI doesn’t prosecute fish dumping

An Official Information Act request by Radio New Zealand has revealed that less than one per cent of all fisheries prosecutions are related to fish dumping. That’s despite evidence showing five out of six industrial fishing boats were dumping fish during Operations Achilles and Hippocamp. Inspectors estimated that crews were dumping anywhere between 20% and…

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Articles, Inquiry / 26 July 2016

LegaSea Hawkes Bay – a positive move

In 2014 the people of Hawkes Bay said “enough”, then they took the bold step of committing their time, energy and resources to rebuilding the depleted Bay’s fish stocks. To achieve that outcome they formed LegaSea Hawkes Bay to raise funds, political and public awareness. Two years on they are focused on engaging with their…

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Articles, Inquiry / 26 July 2016

Unbelievable snapper catch

How many millions of snapper are being wasted every year due to commercial fishing? That’s a simple question. After the 2013 controversy Minister Nathan Guy and commercial interests agreed to a raft of measures to estimate the weight of undersized snapper returned to the sea in the northeastern fishery, Snapper 1. After numerous requests, some…

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