Category: Articles

Articles / 29 August 2015

What’s fishing worth?

In Australia, a recent study found recreational fishers contribute an estimated $2.56 billion to the nation’s economy. But what’s fishing worth in New Zealand? The truth is, no one knows. So the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation has commissioned a full-scale research project to find out. They want to know how much recreational fishers contribute…

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Articles / 19 August 2015

Address to Seafood NZ Conference – By Grant Dixon, Editor NZ fishing News

 Topic: Recreational perspective on shared fisheries and developing trust. Thank you for the opportunity to give my perspective on the fishery and building trust between industry and the public/recreational fishers. When Tim Pankhurst contacted me and explained the brief, I was a little nervous. Daniel in the lion’s den came to mind. Then he promised a seafood dinner…

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Articles / 29 July 2015

Opportunity for Minister to win public support

Blue cod is an iconic Marlborough Sounds fishery so any mention of management changes evokes a raft of claims and counter-claims. LegaSea is pleased to have recently worked on a submission with four other national or local groups to promote an abundant fishery and improvements to regulations applying to both commercial and recreational blue cod…

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Articles / 28 July 2015

Is this a new era?

A draft management plan for the northeastern snapper stock is underway and expected to be with the Minister, Nathan Guy, later this year. 18 months of hard work has brought us to this point. It is unclear when the Minister will release the management plan for public discussion. However, recreational interests are keen to get…

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Articles / 26 July 2015

Encouraging prospects for gamefishing

New Zealand is fast becoming world renowned for trophy sized kingfish and lots of them. This is no accident. Management changes a decade ago, Mother Nature and the care shown by recreational fishers who release much of their kingfish catch have all contributed to the stock rebuild. Annual monitoring of kingfish length during the Bay…

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