Category: Articles

Articles / 25 August 2016

A radical change

Many people have been asking why it is so hard to have commercial catch limits reduced. It’s a valid question that deserves a good answer. We need to know how and why the Quota Management System has failed to provide a flexible system despite millions of our taxpayers’ dollars being spent on science, monitoring and…

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Articles / 25 August 2016

Government growth targets can damage our fisheries

Misdirected growth targets can have unintended consequences. Our fisheries are still recovering from Government policies implemented 40 years ago. A comprehensive review of the Quota Management System will hopefully reveal areas that can be fixed so our fisheries can be restored to abundant levels. Having enough fish to sustain the environment and provide for people’s…

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Articles / 12 August 2016

Marlborough-Tasman scallop closures

Scallop numbers have declined so much around the top of the South Island that the Minister for Primary Industries, Nathan Guy, has agreed with LegaSea and closed the Scallop 7 fishery until a rebuild occurs. The fishery has been closed for the 2016/17 and new management measures will be worked out between now and July…

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Articles / 28 July 2016

Hawke’s Bay cannot be ignored

If ever there was a need to ban inshore trawling to better allow for recreational fishing, then Hawke’s Bay is a prime example. A 10-year boat ramp survey shows dramatic declines in landings. There is unconstrained trawling inshore. All parties agree recreational fishing in the Bay needs to improve. Yet after almost two years of…

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Articles, Inquiry / 26 July 2016

LegaSea Hawkes Bay – a positive move

In 2014 the people of Hawkes Bay said “enough”, then they took the bold step of committing their time, energy and resources to rebuilding the depleted Bay’s fish stocks. To achieve that outcome they formed LegaSea Hawkes Bay to raise funds, political and public awareness. Two years on they are focused on engaging with their…

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