Category: Articles

Articles, Inquiry / 11 May 2017

Collusion and cover-ups continue

Over time various government functions have been passed over to Crown institutes and established researchers. This hand-over is acceptable if stakeholders have had a say, and if the transfer is to accredited parties. However, the passover of more fisheries management functions and administrative powers to FishServe, a company owned and operated by the fishing industry…

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Articles, Inquiry, Media Releases / 14 April 2017

LegaSea renews calls for a full inquiry into MPI activity

When the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) failed to prosecute industrial fishing boat captains for dumping catch it blamed legal advice for the decision. Now we are told that legal advice never existed. Instead, MPI used misleading information and misdirected both the Minister and the public as to why blatant dumping of fish recorded on…

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Articles / 12 April 2017


What’s going on in our fisheries? In the past week there has been claims and counter-claims about the cosy relationships between fisheries officials and corporate commercial interests. For years these dealings have been shaded from public view. Thanks to your support LegaSea and others have put the spotlight on these arrangements and we are now…

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Articles / 6 April 2017

Proposed crayfish catch increases unacceptable

LegaSea has responded to the Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) annual review of rock lobster sustainability measures. MPI’s January discussion paper proposed the following changes to the Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) – 9% decrease to the commercial catch level in CRA3 (East Cape, Gisborne) 23% or 27% reduction to the commercial catch level within…

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Articles / 5 April 2017

Feasibility of reporting recreational catch

At LegaSea we are regularly asked, “What is the story with everyone reporting their recreational catch?” and “do you support individual reporting?” Short answer, no. We prefer an independent assessment of all catch to avoid any bias that may arise from self-reporting. We currently have internationally acclaimed, robust and reliable recreational estimation method designed by…

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