Category: Articles

Articles / 4 October 2017

Crayfish campaign a success

Between July and September LegaSea ran a campaign – the ‘Crayfish Crisis’. It highlighted the collapse of the Crayfish 2 (CRA 2) stock and the need for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Quota Management System. This campaign was developed following the March 2017 survey of more than 800 CRA 2 fishers and divers….

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Articles / 4 October 2017

Charm offensive not working

It’s been difficult finding anyone who believes the propaganda appearing on our screens that extols the virtues of the Quota Management System. Fishing corporates have spent millions in an effort to convince us that they are looking after our marine resources for our kids and grandkids and all is well. Nothing could be further from…

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Articles, Media Releases / 11 September 2017

Political parties united in call for inquiry into fisheries debacle

Labour and the Green Party have both come out in support of an inquiry into the management of New Zealand’s fisheries, leaving National as the only party which has declared itself unwilling to look into the issue in the lead up to the election. ACT, TOP and Mana have not responded to requests for a…

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Articles / 6 September 2017

Marine park concept fading to grey

Weeks before the last election the National Party announced the creation of two marine parks, one in the upper South Island and another in the inner Hauraki Gulf. The announcement was enough to sway swinging voters to vote National on the promise of improved recreational fishing in these areas. As another election looms the parks…

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Articles, Inquiry, Media Releases, Policies / 4 September 2017

Calls for Commission of Inquiry into fisheries mismanagement grow

Four political parties have joined LegaSea and the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council’s call for an inquiry into the state of New Zealand’s fisheries management practices. New Zealand First, the Māori Party, United Future and the New Zealand Outdoors Party have all agreed New Zealand’s fisheries management needs an overhaul and cannot continue the way…

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