Subscriber booklet
At LegaSea we often hear, “You guys are doing an amazing job, what can I do to help?”
Until now, we haven’t had a decent answer. Now we have. We would like to take this opportunity to explain how you can make a real difference to our future fishing prospects:
- You can become a LegaSea Legend. For as little as $10 a month you can make a meaningful contribution to help bring abundance back to our inshore fisheries. With our 100% promise you know that all the money you donate as a Legend goes directly towards the essential advocacy, research, and education needed to increase our knowledge around our precious fish stocks.
- You can join us as a LegaSea volunteer. We rely on generous people like you to donate time and join us at the many events we attend. It’s great to have some happy smiling faces helping on our stand as we meet the public and let them know who we are. Email us at volunteer at LegaSea.
- Sign up to our database. We want to keep you informed of what’s going on in New Zealand’s fisheries, and to be able to call on you to stand up and give your support when the public needs it the most. In order to do this, we need your details, a simple email address to make sure you stay in the loop. This gives us the power to rally our forces and act when our rights are being threatened.
- Now we have added another level to our already formidable arsenal. The LegaSea subscriber booklet. You can become the holder of a LegaSea subscriber booklet. This gives you the power to approach you friends and family and ask, “Do I have your permission to subscribe you to the LegaSea database?”. You can say this with the assurance that we will never abuse the privilege of holding these details, the information will never be shared, and we won’t bombard anyone with meaningless rubbish. Just the knowledge and information gathered by our dedicated fisheries management team, cut down to the basics so you can keep up to date. Once you have filled a book, you staple it shut and drop it into a post box, done. As easy as that.
There you have it, the next time you are out there struggling to catch a fish and feel you want to do something about it. Check out or call 0800 LEGASEA (534 273) and we will help you find what is the best way for you to contribute rebuilding our fisheries.
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