Articles / 28 October 2017

NIWA survey to count fish

Two important surveys are under way to measure harvest by marine recreational fishers. LegaSea encourages you to cooperate with the researchers if they phone you or approach you on the boat ramp.

Over the next 12 months NIWA will be measuring and counting fish landed by recreational anglers at popular boat ramps. This large-scale survey will also collect aerial counts of boats fishing and estimate the total recreational harvest for key species from North Cape to Cape Runaway.

The National Research Bureau (NRB) has recruited a national panel of fishers who will be interviewed at regular intervals. Their responses will be used to estimate number of fish landed in 2017-18 by all fishing methods, including land-based catch.

The collated results will be compared to the same surveys run in 2011-12.

If asked, please be honest and accurate with your information in the knowledge that you are contributing to the future management of our precious fisheries.

LegaSea supports high quality research and while we are disappointed the survey was delayed a year, we are pleased it is finally underway.

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