Articles / 24 October 2012

LegaSea has broad appeal

LegaSea is a cause working for ‘more fish in the water for future generations’. To achieve that vision we need at least 20,000 people to get on board and make a contribution towards protecting our fishing interests, for now and the future. We have cracked the first ton. Now we are depending on broad-minded Kiwis to get their mates, family, colleagues and neighbours to make a stand.

Initially contributions are being invested in the development of LegaSea material and gathering widespread support. All surpluses will be invested in advocacy, research, education and team-building.

There are increasing numbers of people using the easy, secure online facility to contribute money to LegaSea, at The short videos are the most popular webpages with Matt Watson’s video, What is Fishing Worth?  the leader of the pack.


Every year the Minister of Primary Industries makes management decisions for species that are important to us, and our communities. These decisions include setting commercial catch levels so they can have a major effect on the health of our marine environment. By now David Carter would have released decisions for snapper, gurnard, john dory, elephant fish, sharks and tuna.

LegaSea resources were used to support the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council’s submissions in response to the various proposals. The Council rejected the arguments to reduce the financial penalty (deemed value) for taking snapper in excess of quota levels. Excessive commercial catch depletes stocks and reduces the marine environment’s productivity.

There are many more species and proposals around the country that need urgent attention. Your contribution will enable the team to respond with sound, science and law-based arguments to rebuild depleted fisheries.

LegaSea is:

  • A voice for all people who care about our public fishing interests
  • A campaign for less wastage and senseless killing of juvenile fish, while promoting protection of sensitive marine habitats
  • A watchdog monitoring companies and groups that threaten our fisheries, public rights and access
  • Targeting 20,000 annual contributors. A modest figure considering the number of people who go fishing or enjoy the sea’s bounty. All it will take is for each one of us to convince at least two others to climb aboard


Ultimately, we want to ensure that fish conserved today are left to grow and multiply for future public use. It doesn’t get better than that!

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