Building LegaSea

BUILDING LEGASEA is the construction industry working with LegaSea to empower the public of New Zealand to have a voice and stand up for their right to have a meaningful fishing experience.

To rebuild our fishery, we need qualified tradesmen

Building LegaSea offers a common commitment, for construction industry leaders, to support LegaSea’s work in defending the interests of the New Zealand public right to a meaningful fishing experience.

By being part of Building LegaSea you will add funding support and networking power to a belief that we can achieve a public friendly fisheries management system.

A system that will protect and conserve our fisheries for our people, our communities and for future generations

Why the construction industry?

Fishing is imbedded into the social and cultural framework of the construction industry.
It’s part of your lifestyle.

If we have a fishery needing to be rebuilt let’s talk to the people who know how to take on big building projects. Hands on Kiwis whose best mates work together and fish together.

It is going to be a team effort in the same way any project is built.

The success of Building LegaSea comes from construction industry entities uniting as one and each making an affordable monthly contribution to ensure this vital aspect of our Kiwi way of life is looked after and retained for our kids and their kids to enjoy.

Together we can preserve the total New Zealand fishing experience. To be generous. To share our catch. To celebrate the value and experiences fishing provides. To pass on our knowledge and skills to others. To respect our fish.

Fill out the form below and we will contact you with more information on how you can help us restore our precious marine environment.

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