About LegaSea

Who is LegaSea?

LegaSea is a committed group of Kiwis working together to restore our coastal fisheries. We are a mixed team of professionals and volunteers.

LegaSea is a not for profit organisation. We are a subsidiary of the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, which advocates and funds a range of projects to support recreational fishing and ecosystem-based fisheries management.

What do we want to achieve?

Together we are striving for abundant fisheries, a diverse marine ecosystem, and more fish left in the water for future generations.

A fuller explanation of our goals is in the Fisheries Manifesto.

Why is this important?

Rebuilding our fisheries to abundant levels is essential if we are to provide for our health and wellbeing, a better fishing experience for today, and a healthy marine environment in the future.

What does LegaSea do?

  1. Bring people together and raise awareness of the issues facing our fisheries and marine environment.
  2. Fundraise to resource advocacy.
  3. Provide reliable, well-researched information so you can understand the solutions to restoring abundance.
  4. Deliver informed content to media channels.
  5. Give you tools so you can contribute to better management decisions.
  6. Take your feedback and work with the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council to lobby decision makers.

How is this work funded?

LegaSea’s work is funded through public donations from a community of people just like you, people who care, people donating what they can.

A host of generous business partners assist with our running costs.

How can you help?

We want you to get on board. LegaSea wants to power you up with new knowledge and then have you share that info with family, friends and colleagues.


  1. Sign up to receive digital newsletters and learn more.
  2. Donate or become a regular contributor LegaSea Legend.
  3. Get others involved – share our Facebook posts.
  4. Join the team – find out how to get more involved.


About the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council

The New Zealand Sport Fishing Council has been serving the interests of its 56 member clubs since 1957. Most of these clubs are Incorporated Societies and between them there are 33,000 affiliated members nationwide.

These affiliated members pay an annual affiliation levy of $9 to the Council and donate $2 to the New Zealand Marine Research Foundation, a Charitable Trust committed to delivering relevant research that helps to ensure abundant fisheries. Many of the clubs go well beyond these contributions as important matters require additional support (e.g. the Kahawai Legal Challenge and the recent economic research on the value of recreational fishing)

The Council has earned a solid reputation for its consistent advocacy for reduced catches, elimination of wasteful and destructive fishing practices and smarter behaviour by all fishers as required to rebuild our fisheries. The advocacy team is backed by experienced science, policy, legal and economic research contractors.

The team is also fully engaged in relevant Ministry led science and fisheries management working groups, and a wide variety of strategic and spatial planning processes. Usually, there is no one else in the room representing public recreational fishing interests or promoting effective means to rebuild our coastal fisheries. The Council reports on all engagement and maintains complete, accurate and timely records of our inputs online – http://www.nzsportfishing.co.nz/fisheries-management/

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